Affirm strives to keep you out of unhealthy debt by facilitating fair, transparent credit so you can pay over time for the things you love. With Affirm, you'll never owe more than what you agree to up front. Instead, you'll always get a flexible, transparent, and convenient way to pay over time.
No fees
We don't charge any fees. That means no late fees, no prepayment fees, no annual fees, and no fees to open or close your account.
Your APR may be different depending on your creditworthiness and where you are shopping. The exact terms that apply to your purchase will be given when you check out with Affirm.
At checkout, we always show the total amount of interest you'll pay and you'll never be charged more than that. This way, you always know what you're getting into. If you pay faster than agreed, you might be charged less interest.
Next steps
Interested in paying over time? Learn how to create an account, check your purchasing power, or make a purchase.
How Affirm works